Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Vote for two Austin SCBWI illustrators in the International Third Annual ABCBookCompetition

Okay, guys, Austin SCBWI illustrators Christy Stallop and I are contenders in the ABC Book competition and so you need to go on-line and vote for us. Everybody can go on line and cast one vote per day through the end of the month -- and the winning author-illustrator team gets their book published.

The authors will already be notorious around the world by the time the winning book is announced because of all this Internet campaigning that's been going on all month. Famous like "Lynne and Tessa" of the Google International Music Video Idol (lip synching) competition. (Hey, whatever happened to them, anyway? They were good.)

As for the illustrators, Austin-SCBWI is already represented in this contest like no other SCBWI chapter anywhere in the galaxy. What a showing -- but now we need your votes.

So here's what you do, go to


and read the story by my two authors Karen Perry and Casey Wise of Houston, Lil Tex

Visits the Alamo.
Click above the story where it says "See Sample Art" if you want to see my picture, then go back to the story page, and below the story, click on the colorful big word VOTE, and follow the next couple of prompts.

Could it be any simpler?

The next day go to


and read the story by Christy's author, Heidi McIntyre, Junk Food Jack, see Christy's illustration, and click on VOTE.

Each day thereafter, rinse and repeat until September 30.

The winners will receive a world cruise and a $10,000 website and they
don't even have to share the website or go on the cruise together --- wait, no, nevermind that's that other contest....

They (we) get their book published and get hundreds of free copies of their book. Not too shabby.

Here are those links again:

on "A" days and

on "B" days

Let's put Austin SCBWI on the Internet map!